Hello Lovely People,
It's your homeboy 'Monday Blues' aka Nikhil here.
It's been a tense couple of weeks for our family as my 'Mother' and 'Would be Mother-in-law' both were admitted in the hospital at the same time for the same reason. Too much love, isn't it? 😒 Friends, no matter what, get a good Mediclaim for your entire family right now. Educate its necessity to others as well who waste no time in dismissing it.
However, these 2 weeks taught me a lot of the efforts that are put in by the hospital staff. Their management, their work ethics, their situational awareness. Hats-off to everyone right from Doctors to the Housekeeping staff. This brings us to the main reason for writing this post. Readers, how easily do we say that our job sucks, or our work life is boring, or how monotonous is our project work. It's time we open our eyes wide open and look at the work our fellow countrymen are doing. Most underrated jobs done by them are allowing us to sit in a comfortable environment and curse our jobs.
While we take pride in admitting our Grandpa in a posh hospital, the ward boy was busy cleaning his feces. Did we ever think of that guy who picks up a dead pigeon of the road early morning so that we can briskly do our morning walk. Have we spared a thought of the guy who cleans our city's drainage pipes so that we can flaunt 'Swachch Bharat' T-Shirts.
When we are foolishly spending money on the last rites of our loved ones, there is that guy who stays in the graveyard with the dead so that his family lives. Find sending daily work report hectic? Think of the Dr. who prepare a Post-mortem report. Thinking of hanging your boots because of so called stress, much lesser stress than the Hangman who hangs prisoners, right?
I don't think anyone of us have any damn right to complain our work-life as I believe we are definitely in a better environment than a mortuary, graveyard, drainage, or a garbage van. Next time when we face any of these 'Boss' individuals, you may or my not tip them, but lets make sure we say them a big
Thank You
It's your homeboy 'Monday Blues' aka Nikhil here.
It's been a tense couple of weeks for our family as my 'Mother' and 'Would be Mother-in-law' both were admitted in the hospital at the same time for the same reason. Too much love, isn't it? 😒 Friends, no matter what, get a good Mediclaim for your entire family right now. Educate its necessity to others as well who waste no time in dismissing it.
However, these 2 weeks taught me a lot of the efforts that are put in by the hospital staff. Their management, their work ethics, their situational awareness. Hats-off to everyone right from Doctors to the Housekeeping staff. This brings us to the main reason for writing this post. Readers, how easily do we say that our job sucks, or our work life is boring, or how monotonous is our project work. It's time we open our eyes wide open and look at the work our fellow countrymen are doing. Most underrated jobs done by them are allowing us to sit in a comfortable environment and curse our jobs.
While we take pride in admitting our Grandpa in a posh hospital, the ward boy was busy cleaning his feces. Did we ever think of that guy who picks up a dead pigeon of the road early morning so that we can briskly do our morning walk. Have we spared a thought of the guy who cleans our city's drainage pipes so that we can flaunt 'Swachch Bharat' T-Shirts.
When we are foolishly spending money on the last rites of our loved ones, there is that guy who stays in the graveyard with the dead so that his family lives. Find sending daily work report hectic? Think of the Dr. who prepare a Post-mortem report. Thinking of hanging your boots because of so called stress, much lesser stress than the Hangman who hangs prisoners, right?
I don't think anyone of us have any damn right to complain our work-life as I believe we are definitely in a better environment than a mortuary, graveyard, drainage, or a garbage van. Next time when we face any of these 'Boss' individuals, you may or my not tip them, but lets make sure we say them a big