Saturday, 3 December 2016

Reasons why you should embrace Death & enjoy Defeat

Hello Lovely People,
It's your homeboy 'Mr. Hatke' aka Nikhil here.

Life is Beautiful, Live life King size, Winning is everything, Winner takes all. So many more such quotes we read n listen about Life and Winning. Does anybody talk about Death and Defeat?

DEATH: The only inevitable thing, the universal truth. How much every grand life we live, cant escape out of it alive. Friends, we must face the truth, that there isn't one family who hasn't experienced the Good Bye of their closed ones. It hurts the most, when someone young leaves, otherwise we got to accept it as a law of nature and embrace. Let's pray to God, that nobody deserves to die in an Accident. My Dad used to say, happiest is the man who gets a sound sleep daily and who dies peacefully. I see it this way, our grandparents leave us crying only to allow us to welcome infants with a smile.

On this note, I would also like to address the last rites that we perform. It's actually more painful than the death itself. Can't we be a little more progressive? It is really Hypocritical, when a son spends a lot of money on the last rites of his father, who died in an old age home. We would be nothing more than ash unless we exit in a giving manner by donating our eyes, skin, organs. Now, that for me is a real 'Life after Death'.

DEFEAT: It is without a doubt that one should play to win. But, it's equally important to enjoy the game. It could be game of Cricket or game of Life. One cannot taste success all the time. Only Defeat teaches us the importance of winning. Coming second will teaches you the biggest virtue of life, 'patience'. Patience doesn't mean waiting for you to win, it means waiting with a right attitude.

Aren't their some bets, which we are happier losing. Greatest is that victory when you feel like you won even after losing. Accepting defeat with a smile is always preferable over a forced win. The day people start celebrating defeats, world would be a much happier place to live in.  So, the next time you lose, wear a smile.

DEATH & DEFEAT: Not sure how able I am at Metaphors. I see these too things as analogical. Death is when you finally accept your defeat to mortality, whereas Defeat is when your expectations Die. Both are unavoidable, the prior is permanent while the latter is temporary, we mustn't forget.

Allow me to quote, couple of lines from“Death be not Proud” by John Donne:

One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. 

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