Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Let's address the Elephant in the room

Hello Lovely People,
It's your homeboy 'Fatty Acid' aka Nikhil here.

While, we tend to show sympathy towards a particular block of society, why do we think it's Okay to make fun of overweight people?

How easily we address our overweight friend as Fatty, Fatso, Jadya, Potato etc. Harassing and bullying him gives us immense pleasure, ins't it? Guys, we can't even imagine what he goes through in his daily life. When our biology teacher was teaching us obesity, the entire class wasted no time in looking at our fat classmate mockingly, in a meeting, our manager says, 'Let's address the elephant in the room' and we all stare and wink at our obese colleague, an auto-rickshaw driver doesn't allow him to sit in front, as soon as he touches a T-Shirt, the shopkeeper denies having his size. There are numerous such small things which leaves him depressed and shatters his self-confidence completely.

Did we even know that obesity is a medical condition? How easily we attach fatness to food and over eating. We, the predators who mock the obese mustn't forget that stress, illness, life saving drugs, diseases like diabetes lead to weight gain too. Why am I even justifying? Even if over eating was the reason, torturing overweight people is an unacceptable form of bigotry.

So one may say, we call them fat because that's what they are, what's wrong in that? Okay, then going by the same logic will it be cool if people start addressing us as 'Ugly', 'Poor' or 'Unsuccessful'. Wouldn't that be funny too, No?

Make no mistake, nobody is advocating to stay fat here. It's absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy weight, eat clean and exercise, but there are a better ways of motivating. A person who truly cares, will pull you up and not push down deeper, simple as that. Next time we meet a fat guy, he doesn't deserve to be ridiculed and ain't a loser by any means, must be remembered.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Beard chooses you - The tale of Mane & Men

Hello Lovely People,
It's your homeboy 'Bearded Baba' aka Nikhil here.

I am not a male chauvinist by any means but this Blog is about Beard. It may sound funny, but I am a fan of Beard and I am pretty sure many of you are too. Mind you, Raees is trending, Rahul isn't 😜. Completely agreed it's genetically driven, hence the saying, 'Grow what your Dad gave you'.

Trust me guys, you look awesome in Beard. Do not listen to that smooth faced friend of yours who asks you to shave and compares you with Dacoit. He is just jealous, as you have what he wants. If your Girl-friend has a good taste, she will absolutely love thy Beard. If she doesn't, you will have to change. Don't ask what, because if you sacrifice you beard for her, you deserve neither. Be rest assured, Men without Beard have a name, 'Women'. Prefer being Single over being a Women.

Your biggest threat is your own Mom. Is there any Mother in the world who loves Beard? She always wants you clean shaven and look like 4 at 28. You will have to tackle her. When asked to shave, give her Indian minster's assurance, change the topic, give silly reasons and run from the situation.
Job interviews and wedding ceremonies will empower her but you got to remain Strong & Bearded.

LoL, there are some scientific advantages of Beard too, but who needs them. Remember, your Beard is your mane that differentiates a Horse from a Donkey. May the weight of manhood never be too heavy for you and the tale of Men & Mane continue forever. However, readers it was all in a funny and sarcastic taste. But the eternal truth is, Beard doesn't make you a man, how you treat her does.

Men Against Rape & Descrimination

Thursday, 8 December 2016

I bet you don't know what separates SRK from the rest of the lot

Hello Lovely People,
This is Nikhil, naam toh suna hoga.

Never mind about his movies, his trailer launch also trends on Twitter and Facebook. Stunned by his bearded look and Raees trailer, I thought of writing a Blog about the man himself, Dr. Shah Rukh Khan.

So, what separates King Khan from the rest of the lot? An outsider to this industry, the man who had no Godfather, no ready red carpet and yet here he is today being the Godfather himself, who has made the red carpet his own. The Self-made actor is ruling Bollywood since last two and half decades. With the most number of Film-fare awards, he must be Numero-Uno indeed.

An astounding facet of his life is, him being the perfect family man. A lovable husband and a dotting father, has never ever over-shadowed the Superstar in him. Loyalty is the rarest virtue in the film line, which only a handful could possess. Love him or hate him, but his journey from Nothing to Everything, from Middle-class to Mannat is truly inspiring. It is only apt that Mr. Mahesh Bhatt has suggested him the title for his autobiography, 'Twenty Years of a Decade'.

Apart from being easily the wittiest actor, he has that Baniye ka Dimaag too. He is a successful businessman too. Delhi boy, who had no money to travel back, today owns the costliest vanity in town. LoL, did you know, the second (Damn) richest actor in the world also owns a real estate company in Guernsey(An island known for its light taxes and easy regulations 😜). Let's learn it from his advice, 'Don't become a philosopher before you become rich'.

However, he wasn't always the Baadshah. A kid who lost his father at 15 and mother at 25 came to Mumbai for work. Now that itself sounds as a daunting task. Fed up by the rejections and trouble this city gave him, one day in sheer anger he shouted from a bridge, 'One day I will rule this city'. Little did he knew, that God obliged at that very moment.

Fans Outside Mannat

I know, its pretty easy to get inspired by actors, their style, their looks but let's admire him not just as an actor but as a personality. A man who prefers to put things bluntly, rather than hiding behind fake modesty. He truly believes he is the best, and hence the sun never sets on him. Only actor who has received the Doctorate from University of Edinburgh, Only actor to be invited by Oxford university for a speech, Only actor who a lane by his name in Russia, Only actor whose movies are tax free in Germany must be the Only Actor Mr. Shah Rukh Khan.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Reasons why you should embrace Death & enjoy Defeat

Hello Lovely People,
It's your homeboy 'Mr. Hatke' aka Nikhil here.

Life is Beautiful, Live life King size, Winning is everything, Winner takes all. So many more such quotes we read n listen about Life and Winning. Does anybody talk about Death and Defeat?

DEATH: The only inevitable thing, the universal truth. How much every grand life we live, cant escape out of it alive. Friends, we must face the truth, that there isn't one family who hasn't experienced the Good Bye of their closed ones. It hurts the most, when someone young leaves, otherwise we got to accept it as a law of nature and embrace. Let's pray to God, that nobody deserves to die in an Accident. My Dad used to say, happiest is the man who gets a sound sleep daily and who dies peacefully. I see it this way, our grandparents leave us crying only to allow us to welcome infants with a smile.

On this note, I would also like to address the last rites that we perform. It's actually more painful than the death itself. Can't we be a little more progressive? It is really Hypocritical, when a son spends a lot of money on the last rites of his father, who died in an old age home. We would be nothing more than ash unless we exit in a giving manner by donating our eyes, skin, organs. Now, that for me is a real 'Life after Death'.

DEFEAT: It is without a doubt that one should play to win. But, it's equally important to enjoy the game. It could be game of Cricket or game of Life. One cannot taste success all the time. Only Defeat teaches us the importance of winning. Coming second will teaches you the biggest virtue of life, 'patience'. Patience doesn't mean waiting for you to win, it means waiting with a right attitude.

Aren't their some bets, which we are happier losing. Greatest is that victory when you feel like you won even after losing. Accepting defeat with a smile is always preferable over a forced win. The day people start celebrating defeats, world would be a much happier place to live in.  So, the next time you lose, wear a smile.

DEATH & DEFEAT: Not sure how able I am at Metaphors. I see these too things as analogical. Death is when you finally accept your defeat to mortality, whereas Defeat is when your expectations Die. Both are unavoidable, the prior is permanent while the latter is temporary, we mustn't forget.

Allow me to quote, couple of lines from“Death be not Proud” by John Donne:

One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.